Deeper Magic: The Theology Behind the Writings of C.S. Lewis

Explore the theology behind Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, and the other works of C.S. Lewis! The imagination of C.S. Lewis inspired people all over the world. We remember him today as a literary giant and a preeminent apologist for the Christian faith. But what about the theological framework that drove his writing? Deeper Magic reveals the foundation of Lewis’ thought—the theological underpinnings that gave his prose so much power. If you have been moved by the writing of Lewis, this book will help you understand why.

“Williams has done the impossible: he has written a highly readable overview of C. S. Lewis’s theology. He draws from the deep well of a lifetime spent studying literature and theology and Lewis. My understanding has been greatly enriched; yours will be, too. This book is a marvel. I am happy to recommend it.” 
—Diana Pavlac Glyer, Professor and author of Bandersnatch: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings

“This is the best book in print on the greatest Christian writer of our times by a noted C.S. Lewis scholar. It is a treasure trove of systematized information—a must for every C.S. Lewis fan, and all the rest of us who should be.”
—Norman Geisler, Ph.D., Author and founder of Southern Evangelical Seminary

 CLICK HERE to join the author at a virtual Eagle and Child pub in Oxford for “Pints with Jack,” as he is interviewed by C. S. Lewis scholar Andrew Lazo,

ISBN 978-1-941106-05-1  |  List: $16.99

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