DON’T PLANT—Be PLANTED: Contrarian observations about starting a church
Be prepared to hear some sound, hard advice from an experienced church planter about the joys, sorrows, victories, and defeats that come with the arduous task of extending the Kingdom of God. If you can’t handle this book, maybe you need to look for another calling.
“Michael Crawford is an extraordinary leader and gift to the church. He has had an immeasurable impact on my life and on the lives of countless others. He is a consistent source of wisdom and contrarian thinking. I have been immensely blessed by his wisdom and writing. I highly commend this book to you. Read it and re-read it!”
—Brian Howard, Vice President of the U.S. Networks for Acts 29
“Great book . . . I keep seeing one-liners that make me have to resist the urge to re-activate my twitter account so I can post quotes. Overflowing with practical wisdom that has DEPTH. Going to take the next month and just do what is said in Chapter 12.”
—James Tyler, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Papillon, Nebraska
“Don’t Plant—Be Planted is a simple and quick read but anything but shallow. Mike Crawford will cause you to think in ways about church planting that are fresh and catalytic. His life speaks and provides a perspective every church planter needs. You’ll find practical advice but most importantly soul care in these pages. Prepare to be stretched and encouraged. You are going to love this book.”
—David A. Butler, Send City Missionary Boston
In the years following the release of Don't Plant—Be Planted, the author left the pastoral ministry. Square Halo originally published this book because its content met our mission of “encouraging and equipping the saints,” and we still believe this to be true. Therefore, this book will remain in our catalog. However, in no way do we condone the behavior or choices made by the author post-publication. We ache with those who have been, and continue to be, hurt.
ISBN 978-1-941106-12-9 | List: $16.99
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