It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God

A Christian looks at the world through the eyes of one who has a restored relationship with the Creator, and receives a new vision affecting every area of life—including the creative process. So what does it mean to be a creative individual who is a follower of the creative God? The It Was Good . . . Series seeks to answer that question through collections of essays which offer theoretical and practical insights into artmaking from a Christian perspective. This first book in the series addresses all of the arts with an emphasis in the visual arts. 

The Christian worldview is foundational to the approach a believer in Christ takes to making art and artmaking inevitably raises difficult questions. These books offer aids in developing some of the internal tools needed to work through those questions, and so to glorify and enjoy God while trying to speak with a clear and relevant voice to a fallen world.

About It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God . . . 

" It Was Good is good, very, very good. For goodness’ sake, taste its goodness for yourself."
—Luci Shaw

"This anthology’s contributors unabashedly but thoughtfully love the symbiotic good gifts of Creation and creativity. As artists and friends of art, they know that the physical world is too good a gift to allow it to be reduced to an object lesson about “spiritual things,” and that the making and perceiving of art is too valuable to allow it to be reduced to politics or theology. They know as well that God is good but not safe, and that the urge for safe art is often a worldly temptation away from goodness."
—Ken Myers

The topics and contributors to the Art volume are: foreword Sandra Bowden • introduction Karen Mulder • good Ned Bustard • beauty Adrienne Chaplin • substance Roger Feldman • presence Edward Knippers • creativity James Romaine • glory Tim Keller • craftsmanship Mary McCleary • language Gaylen Stewart • truthfulness Steve Scott • incarnation Dale Savidge • color Kimberly Garza • light Krystyna Sanderson • shadow William Edgar • mission Charlie Peacock • engagement Gregory Wolfe • community David Giardiniere • collaboration Suzannah Bauer • essence Makoto Fujimura • identity Theodore Prescott

ISBN 0-9785097-1-4  |  List: $24.99  

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