It Was Good: Making Music to the Glory of God

A Christian looks at the world through the eyes of one who has a restored relationship with the Creator, and receives a new vision affecting every area of life—including the creative process. So what does it mean to be a creative individual who is a follower of the creative God? The It Was Good . . . Series seeks to answer that question through collections of essays which offer theoretical and practical insights into artmaking from a Christian perspective. The second book in the series focuses on music. 

The Christian worldview is foundational to the approach a believer in Christ takes to making art and artmaking inevitably raises difficult questions. These books offer aids in developing some of the internal tools needed to work through those questions, and so to glorify and enjoy God while trying to speak with a clear and relevant voice to a fallen world.

About It Was Good: Making Music to the Glory of God . . . 

"Musicians will be encouraged and uplifted by the essays is this book, which seeks to put into words our shared wonder and gratitude for the gift of music in our lives."
—Karen Peris, The Innocence Mission

"Lively, engaging and eminently readable—this book shows that it is still possible to write about music in a way that enriches our experience of it. Above all, it will renew your gratitude to God for making such an art possible."
—Jeremy Begbie, Duke University, author of Resounding Truth: Christian Wisdom in the World of Music

The topics and contributors to the Music volume are:  preface Ned Bustard • silence Brian Moss • freedom David Fuentes • creativity Sandra McCracken • delight Bethany Brooks • mission Charlie Peacock • children Jan and Mark Foreman • kids’ music Katy Bowser • rehearsal Tom Jennings • refining Brad O’Donnell • songwriting Vito Aiuto • collaboration Michael Roe • counterpoint Greg Wilbur • harmony Steve Guthrie • listening Mark Chambers • participation Michelle Stearns • suffering Diana Bauer • minor keys Doug Plank • blues Ruth Naomi Floyd • jazz William Edgar • improvisation John Patitucci • language Hiram Ring • truth Shai Linne • instruments Gregg Strawbridge • psalms Paul Buckley • modern hymns Keith Getty • urban ministry Julius Fischer • vocation Joy Ike • booking Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma • touring Drew Holcomb • fame Stephen J. Nichols

A little It Was Good music . . .

ISBN 978-0-9785097-6-7  |  List: $24.99

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