It Was Good:Performing Arts to the Glory of God

A Christian looks at the world through the eyes of one who has a restored relationship with the Creator, and receives a new vision affecting every area of life—including the creative process. So what does it mean to be a creative individual who is a follower of the creative God? The It Was Good . . . Series seeks to answer that question through collections of essays which offer theoretical and practical insights into artmaking from a Christian perspective. The third book in the series is devoted to the performing arts. 

The Christian worldview is foundational to the approach a believer in Christ takes to making art and artmaking inevitably raises difficult questions. These books offer aids in developing some of the internal tools needed to work through those questions, and so to glorify and enjoy God while trying to speak with a clear and relevant voice to a fallen world.

About It Was Good: Performing Arts to the Glory of God . . . 

"This is a wise book written by experienced practitioners who have been in the trenches of creating art from a Christian worldview. It ain’t easy, and if you want to try it, I suggest that you read this book."
—Max McLean, founder & Artistic Director, Fellowship for Performing Arts

"Like its companion predecessors, It Was Good: Performing Arts to the Glory of God is both practical and theological. It’s no cliché that artists struggle to find their way in an increasingly pragmatic niche culture—even more so for Christians in the performing arts. The latter group finding themselves largely misunderstood and vocationally marginalized by the Church. After all, what true kingdom good comes from spending valuable time becoming a dancer? As it turns out, it’s not a waste of time at all. Especially so for the only audience who should matter: Jesus. As the title says, let it all be done to the Glory of God."
—Charlie Peacock, composer, recording artist, and co-founder of Art House America

The topics and contributors to the Performing Arts volume are: foreword David Kim • preface Ned Bustard • performers Charlie Jones • gospel Robert Bigley • story Denis Haack • playwriting Chris Cragin-Day • documentaries Aaron Craig • hospitality Chuck Simmons • audience Jenifer Ringer Fayette • expectations Martin Landry • consistency Elizabeth Richard • theophanies Sean Gaffney • set design Marlaina Seay • shadow Brian S. Chan • horror Brian Godawa • incarnation Camille Hallstrom • sound design Skip SoRelle • live sound Anthony Guyer • listening Gaye Jeffers • trust Abigail Killeen • choreography Elizabeth Dishman • marriage Candace Vance • criticism Alissa Wilkinson

ISBN 978-1-941106-09-9 |  List: $19.99

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