One of Us: Reflecting on the Radical Mystery of the Incarnation

“Yeah . . . but He’s God.”

Though the church teaches that Jesus was both fully God and fully man, we often ascribe the remarkable things Jesus did—His miracles, suffering, wisdom, and victory over temptation—to His divinity rather than to His humanity.

But what if the fully-man Jesus felt the same impact of the Fall that we do? What if He was so human that He truly understands our struggles? What if we could be so connected to Him that we could receive real consolation in the middle of suffering? What if Jesus really is one of us?

In this book you will see that Jesus is everything we want and need. We will explore the Scriptures and see the beauty of the humanity of Jesus. And in this short reflection on the Incarnation we will find that our love for Jesus deepens as we see how deep His love is for us.

ISBN 978-1-941106-37-2 | List $16.99

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