Ordinary Saints: Living Everyday Life to the Glory of God

Over forty writers celebrate Square Halo’s twenty-fifth anniversary with essays on such topics as knitting, home repair, juggling, traffic, pipes, chronic pain, pretzels, and naps.

​A delightfully organic fleshing out of the “every moment holy” idea. Real people communing with a real God in the midst of real lives. —Douglas McKelvey, author of Every Moment Holy

The contributors to this book (and their topics) are: A.D. Bauer (Grandparenting), Trip Beans (Comic Books), Tom Becker (Roller Skating), J. Mark Bertrand (Briefcases), Byron Borger (Retail), Sandra Bowden (Collecting), Carey Bustard (Playlists), Leslie Bustard (Homemaking), Ned Bustard (Lovemaking), Brian S. Chan (Movies), Shanika Churchville (Writing), Matthew Clark (Drawing), Shannon Coelho (Traffic), Diana Di Pasquale (Porn), Sarah Etter-Hinojosa (Chronic Pain), Andrew Field (Mental Illness), Malcolm Guite (Pipes), Margie Haack (Chickens), Bruce Herman (Painting), Libby John (Dancing), Junius Johnson (Brokenness), Heidi Johnston (Community), Jesse Joyner (Juggling), Anne Kennedy (Graying), Glenn McCarty (Muppets), Tamara Hill Murphy (Napping), Salvatore Musumeci (Wine), Christie Purifoy (Home Repair), Geoffrey Reiter (Dracula), Théa Rosenburg (Limitations), Andrew Roycroft (Small Talk), Krystyna Sanderson (Therapy), Calvin Seerveld (Knowing), Steve Scott (Stories), Luci Shaw (Knitting), Brad Smith (Work), Lisa Smith (Mentoring), Shawn Smucker (Pretzels), Joy Strawbridge (Karaoke), Phaedra Taylor (Bone Broth), Curt Thompson (Presence), Donald T. Williams (Glory), and Elissa Weichbrodt (Museuming).

ISBN 978-1-941106-29-7 | List $24.99

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