
Speaking Code: UnRaveling Past Bonds to Redeem Broken Conversations

Everyone is Speaking CODE. We long for soul satisfying conversations characterized by truth spoken in love. We desire to be heard and understood. But our past powerful experiences leave our communication broken and shattered, isolating us from each other. This book helps us decipher cryptic conversations, allowing us to see where God’s goodness enters our lives. Discover how God places us in “holy sanctuaries” where His healing work can begin. Use the built-in workbook to recognize communication pitfalls and develop biblical strategies to help improve our conversations.

Read some observations from people who have purchased Speaking CODE:

“I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your book Speaking Code. I have been slowly making my way through the book, and it has been helpful for me to understand myself better and the motives for why I do and communicate the way I do. It’s a slow process for me because a lot of the questions I need to take a fair amount of time to process and think through. Do you have any other books . . . ?”

“Diana’s book is phenomenal! It is helping us remove the veils of our conversations that we didn’t even know were there. It’s also giving us a chance for a deep, intimate relationship with one another, ushering us through a journey of knowing ourselves and being known. Everyone needs to read this book . . .”

“I’m only in the 90’s in the book, but it has been super helpful for me to understand myself and why I say and do things. It has been slow, but really good. I wish I had read it a lot earlier in my life to prevent problems that I caused due to not understanding myself.”

ISBN 978-1-941106-17-4 | List $33.99

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